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What’s With Comprehensive Sexual and Reproductive Education for Teens

Yes. What’s with that program? We have often heard about adolescent sexual and reproductive health education. Maybe the first time we hear it we shudder, imagining teenagers full of curiosity and hormones exploring their body. For a moment the faces of fictional characters in novels, magazines, and adult films turn into the faces of our children, nieces, or pupils.

Wait. Is it true that adolescent sexual and reproductive health education is like that? Just talking about genitals and their taboo non-proceation functions?

It is not impossible that the number of pages in this book will equal the length of time we misunderstood what and how adolescent sexual and reproductive health education actually is. Simply because we don’t have the time, aren’t interested, or don’t want to try seeing it from different perspectives.

Don’t wait. Time is ticking. The opportunity to understand and share true knowledge is slowly passing.

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Yayasan Gemilang Sehat Indonesia (YGSI) is a non-profit organization that has been working in Indonesia since 1997 on the issue of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) and the prevention of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV). We believe that human sexuality and reproductive health must be viewed positively, free from judgement and violence.

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